What are Head And Neck Cancers?

Head and neck cancers are the most common cancers in males; more than 1/3 of all cancers in males are due to the rampant use of tobacco in different forms. Poor dental hygiene, poor nutritional status, generalized ability, and acid reflux (GERD) are other risk factors for head and neck cancers. Among females, the relative proportion varies from 10.7 to 15.2%.

Smoking can cause cancers of on a cavity, esophagus, pancreas, larynx, lung, liver, kidney, cervix, bladder & bowel. Smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, Gutkha, kheni, panmasala etc) can cause cancers of oral cavity, esophagus, pancreas.

HPV virus infection is established cause of oropharyngeal cancers . it is commonest cause of oropharynx (tonsils) cancers in western world countries.

Dr Nitin Singhal is an expert of Head And Neck cancers.

We work closely with your symtoms for treatment suited to your type and stage of cancer.